5 woke up from her nap with a fever which has lasted for a few days. Her mommy stayed home yesterday and they made their own bear cave. I went to their house this morning until my favorite son-in-law was able to leave work. While I was there we acted the story out again using her animals
This bat puzzle from MGT was a good way to introduce other hibernating animals.
5 had no idea what bats were and probably still isn't quite clear but if you asked she would tell you that they sleep upside down. At the suggestion of Mother Goose Time I illustrated this bat fact by hanging 5 upside down and asking her to go to sleep. She was giggling too much to comply. It was great to hear her laugh so much. Each time I would set her down she would say,"Again!"
I asked her if people should sleep like that and she thought that was a funny idea. But she looked at the baby monitor, saw her sister taking her morning nap and said,"we lay down like 7 Baby."
She had had enough activity and needed to rest for a bit but first she wanted to show me how she looks when she sleeps. The eye covering was her idea. I have no idea why.
After her little rest used the supplies from Mother Goose Time to Build a Bear Den. This one was a much more manageable size. It would have been fun to go for a nature walk and gather leaves and other things to make a bed for the bear cutout MGT gave us. But 5 was unable to go for a walk so we went to the backyard and gathered dry grass clippings. She drew a face on the bear and laid him in his bed. We decided her bear needed snow to let him know it was time to hibernate. A torn up paper towel was just the ticket.
When enough snow had fallen I showed 5 the animal pictures provided for the Get Ready to Hibernate part of the lesson. We talked about them and where they hibernate. I hid them around the living room while she counted to ten (of course taking cheat peeks the entire count), and then began to "search" for the pictures. Every time she saw the chipmunk picture she said,"Hey, a chipmunk, just like Chip and Dale!" She decided these animals needed to be in the snow also.
A fun morning. Thanks Mother Goose Time.
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