Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Rainforest Adventure

Last week we checked out some Rainforest books from our local library and we began to look at pictures and talk about the funny and beautiful creatures that live there. Over the weekend I laminated the nametags provided by Mother Goose Time and after calendar time I gave 5 some dry erase markers. In her two year old mind she writes her name and 7's name as clearly as I write my own.
But best (or worst) of all is the parrot toy I found at a resale store in town. When I saw it I knew it would be perfect for this month. Plus it was $3. Perfect. Have you seen them? They record what you say and then automatically repeat your words in a faster and higher pitch. I'm sure you will see this toy in every post I make this entire month. When 3 and 6 were visiting recently they all had a lot of fun talking to the bird and laughing at it. The laughing is the best part. The worst happens when 5 is trying to tell the bird something and playback begins before she is finished talking. She starts talking louder which makes the bird record at a louder volume which eventually results in a shouting match until I announce that Bird needs a nap. It happens daily. 

Next up was I Spy Rainforest but in a different way than the one suggested in the Teacher Guide. I borrowed the animal cards from the rainforest collage project and hid them around the room. 5 used the magnifying glasses from the dollar store to help her them all. 

We then found similar pictures on the Theme Poster. 5 made sure Bird saw all the things she found. 
I continue to be impressed by the quality of the materials from the people at Mother Goose Time. They provided the green cardstock, Rainforest pictures, construction paper, green tissue paper, and colored confetti for this Rainforest Collage. We got out a glue stick and then began one of our favorite things to do, tear paper! 

This project was fun and creative.  

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