Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Types of Dinosaurs

Last week was so exciting I forgot to post about our fun days. Our granddaughter's favorite friend spent a couple of days with us because her parents were at the hospital for the birth of her beautiful and sweet brand new baby brother. Yea!
We introduced our friend to the breakfast of budding paleontologists, Dinosaur oatmeal. She was amazed with the melting eggs, the tiny dinosaurs she got to eat and of course the snowflake sprinkles I usually add just for fun.
After breakfast we got out our supplies from Mother Goose Time. We looked at the picture of the Brontosaurus and then got out the shape design mats and shape manipulatives from day 4. The girls enjoyed matching the designs and then trading the mats. 
Next we broke out the supplies MGT provided for day 9. I know we were suppose to use this to learn about the Massaurus but our friend was about to become a big sister and we needed to celebrate! 
The plates were nice and sturdy so the girls were able to color them with markers inside and out. I divided the beans between the two tambourines, sealed them together with hot glue, turned on some loud music and a dance party celebration broke out.
Yes, my granddaughter took her pajamas off. She got too warm with her celebration dance. And our friend needed a thumb/blanket break, but it was a really fun morning. 

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