Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hexagon Happiness

"Grandma! There's a hexagon on your floor!!" I'm not sure how she knows what a hexagon is but those were the first words out of her mouth when she walked into the room. I don't think I would have thought to make this masking tape masterpiece on my own but thanks to Mother Goose Time I will continue to have shapes on the family room floor. 

 We started our morning with a Rainforest Walk game. Using the animal cards from day 1, we took turns choosing a card and then walked, crawled, jumped, slithered, and flew like we thought they would. 

 Tootsie Pop is still enjoying the leaves from last month's Weather All Around Us unit from MGT. Occasionally I put clear contact paper on the window and let 5 stick stuff to it. I saw a suggestion on Pinterest to draw a face shape on the non sticky side and give your child googly eyes, yarn, and other things to create a person. I cut up several colors of yarn and had them laid out by group. 5 immediately picked up the orange yarn, stuck it on top of the face and said,"Look, I'm making Mommy." (#4 in the back of the shirt picture) I, of course immediately took a picture and sent it to my daughter along with the quote. 5 isn't willing to add anything to Mommy's picture that isn't true to Mommy so I added the new sheet for other sticky fun. It's a fun, cheap, sensory play option. Photo bomb by Bird.
Another cheap sensory break option 5 enjoys are balloon squeeze things. I think that's the official name. We have a couple with play dough (from the Dollar Store), coffee beans, rice, and flour. She often carries them around and will sometimes stop playing for a moment and squish and squeeze one or two of them. They are good to have around. Stress balls, that's they're called. 
I have a shoe box filled with pattern blocks for the older grandchildren but the pattern cards I have much to complicated for 5 so she's never played with them. These design mats from Mother Goose Time along with the bag of pattern blocks were the perfect size for her. She knew the name of every piece except for the trapezoid. What can I say? Her parents are slackers :)
 After some decorations for Bird we got our Theme Poster and Looking Glasses from Day 1 and looked for matches. 5 usually insists on using the magnifying glasses I already have but she really enjoyed these and matching the pictures to the poster. And yes, she is sitting inside the footstool. She loves it. Again, I have no idea why. 

The new best friends had a lively conversation while sharing fish crackers and then went to the toy cupboard to see what they could do next. The hexagon is becoming a favorite place to play. Thanks for another great idea Mother Goose Time!

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